The channel has changed their style - anyhow as I remember them! I will stick to this version happily!
Angie she is tough, really a work outer for me!
On top of this I am doing some ballet and gym once a week. I am now targeting my round back and use this video too - I have picked up the exercises for the middle of the back so the foam roaler is not included. Jump start at 1.20 for the doings!
The new schedule seems to be stable at level 2xpilates and 2xcardio per
week. I have tried to change the training days to save 3xcardio workouts
for a week but it wasn't comfortable. So here we go now:
Monday and Friday are for pilates
NO I am not doing everything especially the reverse plank lifts and the star! I stay on the static position and will continue with it as long as my back asks for it. The bend over movement forming a circle when going down and up again stays as a linear movement at my house!
But the other stuff is ok!
Tuesdays and Saturdays are for cardio and some strength!
On top of this I have one hour classical ballet and about the same of gym training.
The new year started with these video training clips! There was some difficulties for my body because I also started a ballet class and a gym visit once a week. I kept my morning training but it was really light to give my muscles time to adapt to the new movements.
Plates for Mondays and Fridays was this!
Below you find the clip for my cardio training for Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday!
By the end of January my legs were complaining for the overload and I decided to change the cardio part to an uperbody training video!
. . . .and that was it for two months! Now I am testing some new clips for March and April. Stay tuned I will soon write about the new ones!