
Saturday, November 11, 2017

Basic training for Nov - Dec 2017

I have continued my regular training even if the updates are not so regular here! Below you find my choices for this last period of 2017. I have changed slightly the order of workshop type so the pilates will take place on Mondays and Fridays. Cardio is for Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays so the old Thursdays and Sundays are still free of training.

For some reason my knees have signaled about overload so I have suggestions for a shorter sessions for difficult days. But still I start the day on a spinning bike for 10mins in low tempo and at noon I try to get out for a walk to get some daylight!

Pilates alternatives!  The first one about 30 minutes and the second 15 minutes.


And then the cardio alternatives!


and this is the shorter one for the days when I am in a hurry!

Plates 30min
Pilates 15 min

Cardio 21min
Cardio 10min

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Monday, May 15, 2017

Basic training for May - June 2017

This will be short update for the basic training I have run during May and June!  It was hard to find and I have not been happy this time but I have trained the weekdays as usually. I started also my tangotraining so it was too much for my body, specially for the knees. So I have worked more for the shoulders even this period.

A short workout for the upper body


Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Basic training for March - April 2017

After all the years I have been training I got the best idea: do something for your upper body!  (hmm!) With some help from my friends at Fitnessblender and two water bottles!

Pilates from Germany!

She is a little bit rough! At the end she says: ...  ein bisshen warm geworden!
Yes I was kind of sweaty and exhausted!

Monday, March 27, 2017

Basic training for January - February 2017

My favorites from FitnesBlender!

. . . . .  and the German pilates!  I have been totally mesmerized by them!


Basic training for November - December 2016

The two last months of the year were calling for some change and I started to follow the German pilates instructions and they are GOOOOD for me!  Sometimes I have had backpain after my earlier pilates training but not now.

There is a difference between the levels and after some testing it was clear what level was possibly for me.
Yes they do speak German but if you know the pilates principles it is easy to follow! Make a TRY!

Basic training for September - October 2016

In September and October it was like this during my pilates moments!

Here you have some guidning for your cardio training!